
Are You Prepared? Getting Ready for Emergency Preparedness Month

emergency preparedness month

It’s no coincidence that we’re headed into hurricane season just as Emergency Preparedness Month is beginning. Hurricane Katrina, now ten years ago, has shown us where we’re lacking in disaster and emergency preparedness as a country, and where we need to step up as organizations and individuals.

In order to help families better prepare for the unexpected, organizations like, Save the Children, and the American Red Cross have created resources to help child care providers and families organize processes in case of an emergency.

Hurricane Katrina led to 5,000 reports of missing children. A decade later, do the children in your care know who to contact in case of an emergency, when cellphones may be unreliable? Save the Children has a new tool to help create emergency contact cards that can serve as a lifeline for families, so that they can be reunified quickly after a disaster. Make your cards here:


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