Child Care Aware® of America’s (CCAoA) biennial event, Symposium, takes place this spring. Join CCAoA on May 3-6, 2020 near Arlington, Virginia as we bring together individuals from across the country to discuss research, policy and practices related to the early child care and education community. This year’s four-day event offers the opportunity to connect with thought leaders, Congressional staff and early education professionals to work towards quality and affordable child care.
This year, we’re also introducing our new pre-conference event for Child Care Resource and Referral (CCR&R) agencies!
What is the Pre-Conference Event?
This year’s pre-conference event, taking place on Sunday, May 3 from 8:30 a.m. -2:30 p.m. is the Emergency Preparedness for Child Care Providers: Training-of-Trainers Opportunity. This one-day training offers a deep dive into emergency preparedness.
Following disasters like hurricanes, earthquakes, and wildfires, child care providers may be forced to close, rebuild, or in some cases shut their doors forever. Recognizing that emergency preparedness, response, and recovery is vital to the well-being of children, families, and communities, all 50 states now require child care programs to develop an emergency preparedness plan.
This training will arm CCR&R staff with knowledge to train providers and give resources to help if emergencies occur. Attendees will learn about recognized preparedness standards and how to incorporate them into a written emergency plan; how emergencies may affect child care programs; ways to support emotional needs of children and caregivers; and about resources that will help support child care providers in times of emergency.
Will I Walk Away With Resources to Share with Providers?
Yes. The training features a variety of instructional approaches, including small group discussions and interactive simulations. Topics of these discussions include natural disasters, infrastructure failure, utility disruptions, and human threats. Training participants receive a trainer guide, PowerPoint slides and supplemental resources which will allow them to train the topic to child care providers in their community or state.*
*(state trainer/training approval processes should be followed)
Attend Symposium and the Pre-Conference Training
Symposium has grown over the years, and through post-event surveys, we have heard from CCR&R executives and their teams that you would like more professional development and networking opportunities. That’s why we are excited to offer this hands-on opportunity to train and prepare for emergencies before Symposium. You’ll be able to network with peers to learn what they are doing in the field and train with trainers to prepare if disaster strikes in one location, one week.
Register today before space runs out. Or, if you’re already registered, leave us a comment and let us know what you’re most looking forward to!