Serving Our Families
Child Care Aware® of America serves more than 10,000 children every year. Select your employer below for more information on eligible programs and assistance.
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DoD Fee Assistance
Thank you for your interest in the Department of Defense’s (DoD) Child Care in Your Home (CCYH) Fee Assistance Program administered by Child Care Aware® of America (CCAoA). Furthering its commitment to support service members and military families securing child care that fits their family's needs, the DoD is initiating a new program granting fee assistance to eligible military families for full-time, child care providers that give care in the military family’s own home.
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National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA)
Thank you for your interest in the NGA Fee Assistance program administered by Child Care Aware® of America. The NGA Military Child Care in Your Neighborhood (MCCYN) Fee Assistance Program is no longer available for newly enrolling civilians employed by the NGA. The program will continue to support currently enrolled NGA families into 2024.
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