Effective June 30, 2024 the ARNG WDCC Pilot Program was discontinued. If you have any questions about this discontinuation, please contact dana.c.ivory.civ@army.mil.
Thank you for your interest in the Army National Guard Weekend Drill Child Care (WDCC) program administered by Child Care Aware® of America (CCAoA). The Weekend Drill Child Care was created to provide authorized drilling Army National Guard Soldiers with access to no-cost, hourly child care to support the unique child care needs for Army National Guard Families during scheduled weekend drill periods.
The pilot program is offered in every state however, only eligible to ARNG soldiers assigned to units in the following locations:
- Massachusetts
- New Hampshire
- New Mexico
- Ohio
- Virginia
- Washington
- Arkansas
- Colorado
- Idaho
- Maryland
- Minnesota
- Missouri
- Oregon
- Vermont
- Wisconsin
- Army National Guard Families must meet certain criteria for participation:
- Criteria 1: Soldier is in good standing with their unit (attends drill, completes assigned tasks, soldier is in the correct uniform)
- Criteria 2: No other adult in the household can provide care during the scheduled drill weekend
And meets one of the following conditions:
- The Soldier is a Single Soldier
- The Soldier is a dual military family and spouse is drilling or deployed
- The Soldier’s spouse is working on a drill weekend
- The Soldier’s spouse is attending classes/training on a drill weekend
- Criteria 3: Child(ren) must be enrolled in DEERS as dependents of the Soldier and be between the ages of 6 weeks to 12 years old.
- Child care providers participating in the WDCC program must be:
- Licensed to operate a child care center or family child care home within their state (maximum of six (6) non-related children in family child care homes).
- Registered to operate a family child care home within their state (maximum of six (6) non-related children), where this meets DoD minimum requirements.
- Submit to annual state child care inspection from the state licensing agency.
- Submit to advanced FBI Federal Fingerprint Background Check and Child Abuse Registry Check conducted and adjudicated by their state agency for themselves, any family child care employees and all household members, aged eighteen (18) years and older.
- Maintain a child care liability insurance policy coverage of at least $500,000.
- Maintain a certification in first aid and infant/child Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR).
Parents, please follow the steps below:
- Step One: Determine Your Eligibility
- ARNG Soldier assigned to units within MA, NH, NM, OH, VA, WA, AR, CO, ID, MD, MN, MO, NC, OR, VT, WI and seeking care in these states.
- Single Soldier, dual military, or married Soldier whose spouse works or attends school during the drill period
- Soldier is attending drill
- The absence of an adult in the household during drill period
- DEERS dependent child(ren) of the Soldier between the ages of 6 weeks to 12 years old
- Step Two: Enroll in WDCC Pilot Program
- Download enrollment packet at ARNG WDCC Family Enrollment Application
- Additional document required for the enrollment packet: copy of the Soldier’s Yearly Training Calendar (YTC) and a copy of each child’s birth certificate or Self Certification Form
- Company Commander counsels Soldier on WDCC Pilot program requirements outlined on Parent Enrollment Application Form
- Company Commander electronically signs the Commanders Verification Form
- Soldier emails completed enrollment packet to ARNGWDCC@usa.childcareaware.org
- CCAoA will confirm completed packet within 3 days of receipt and send notification to Soldier
- Once enrolled, Soldier is eligible to reserve care
- Step Three: Reserve Child Care
- CCAoA will provide instructions on how to reserve quarterly care via email
- Care must be reserved no later than the first of the month before the drill month (for example, no later than 01 May for the June drill)
- Forms needed to reserve quarterly care will include Commander Verification Form and spouse’s Work Schedule Verification Form or Education Enrollment Form
- Soldier emails completed reserve request to ARNGWDCC@usa.childcareaware.org
- Once request is received, CCAoA will identify a provider and send confirmation of WDCC reservation to Soldier, no later than 2 weeks prior to reservation date (drill date)
- Soldier must cancel confirmed reservations no later than 10 days prior to the day of reservation to avoid paying cancelation fees to the child care provider
- CCAoA will make WDCC payments directly to provider
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
- How to Make a Reservation Once Enrolled (e.g., 1 October for November drill)
Reservations for care must be submitted no later than the 1st day of the month prior to your regularly scheduled drill month (e.g., 01 May for June drill). Please submit the completed Request for Care Form to Child Care Aware© of America (CCAoA) at ARNGWDCC@usa.childcareaware.org or upload the request to your application. You must include a signed copy of the Commanders Verification Form and Work Schedule Verification Form /Education Enrollment Verification Form. CCAoA will confirm receipt of your request within 3 business days.
If assistance is needed locating a provider CCAoA will begin to search for providers who meet eligibility requirements and have availability during the days and times requested. If you submit an eligible provider, CCAoA will work with the provider to update/complete their application to initiate your request. If CCAoA is not able to secure a reservation you will be notified as soon as we are able to confirm no care is available, no later than 2 weeks prior to your requested reservation date. Reservations are completed on first come, first served basis.
If you have a provider you would like to enroll in the program, please have them contact us at 1-888-270-1086 option 3
- How to Cancel a Reservation
We understand that situations may change and so may your child care needs. You must notify CCAoA and the ARNG if you need to cancel a reservation. Please submit a completed copy of the Cancellation of Child Care Request Form to CCAoA at ARNGWDCC@usa.childcareaware.org and copy the ARNG Weekend Drill Care central email box at arng_cys@army.mil. Failure to provide notification within ten (10) calendar days will result in no show or cancellation charges for the ARNG Soldier.
- When are fee assistance payments made?
Fee assistance is paid to the provider within 5 business days of Child Care Aware® of America’s receipt of the completed attendance sheets. View ARNG WDCC Payment Policies here.
Frequently Requested Forms:
- ARNG WDCC Family Enrollment Application
- ARNG WDCC Commander Verification Form
- Self Certification Form
- Work Schedule Verification Form
- Education Enrollment Verification Form
- ARNG WDCC Program Request for Care Form
- ARNG WDCC Program Cancellation of Child Care Request
- Army National Guard Weekend Drill Child Care (WDCC) Program Contact Information
- For Families
National Guard: https://www.childcareaware.org/fee-assistancerespite/military-families/army/arngwdcc/
Email Address: ARNGWDCC@usa.childcareaware.org
Fax Line 571-544-7081
Hotline #: 1-888-270-1086
- For Providers
Non-Traditional Care Provider Team
CCA Website Providers: https://www.childcareaware.org/fee-assistancerespite/feeassistancerespiteproviders/
NTC Provider website: https://www.childcareaware.org/fee-assistancerespite/ntc-providers/
Email Address: NTCprovider@usa.childcareaware.org
Fax Line 571-544-7082
Hotline #: 1-888-270-1086
- For Payment Inquiries
Non-Traditional Care Payment Team
Email: NTCpayment@usa.childcareaware.org
Fax: 571-210-2896
Hotline #: 1-888-270-1086
- For Families