MCCYN-PLUS Initiative (QRIS)

Be advised, the application process for MCCYN-PLUS is the same as MCCYN. If you are a provider interested in participating in the fee assistance program, please click here to review the application process. If you have already submitted an application and are a participating provider, no additional enrollment application is needed by Child Care Aware® of America.

On October 1, 2019, The Military Services expanded the MCCYN program to include MCCYN-PLUS. The MCCYN-PLUS initiative will include community child care programs that are quality rated by their state Quality Rating and Improvement System (QRIS), in locations where nationally accredited care is unavailable.

A QRIS is a systemic approach to assess, improve and communicate the level of quality in early and school-age care and education programs. Similar to rating systems for restaurants and hotels, QRIS awards quality ratings to early childhood and school-age care programs that meet a set of defined program standards. By participating in their state’s QRIS, early childhood and school-age care providers embark on a path of continuous quality improvement.

Any child care program that elects not to participate in the MCCYN-PLUS, and is not accredited by a DoD approved accrediting body (click on state page for list of approved accreditations), may no longer be eligible to provide child care to military families seeking fee assistance.

MCCYN-PLUS is only available for providers in the below states and counties. Please select below to receive more information.


California: San Diego County


Florida: Miami-Dade County







New York

North Carolina


South Carolina






Additional Resources:

Frequently Asked Questions

MCCYN-PLUS Parent Pamphlet

MCCYN-PLUS Provider Pamphlet

Affordable Child Care Matters

MCCYN-PLUS Parent Pamphlet- Spanish Speakers

MCCYN-PLUS Provider Pamphlet- Spanish Speakers

MCCYN-PLUS NY Provider Pamphlet

Important Dates:

October 1, 2019: Pilot Launch- Maryland and Virginia
September 13, 2021: Nevada
February 7, 2022: Washington
September 15, 2022: Florida, Miami-Dade
October 3, 2022: Texas
November 7, 2022: Colorado
January 9, 2023: Kentucky
March 13, 2023: North Carolina
March 27, 2023: Arkansas
September 25, 2023: New York
October 2, 2023: Nebraska
October 9, 2023: Oklahoma
October 23, 2023: Michigan
January 22, 2024: Minnesota
August 1, 2024: South Carolina
November 1, 2024: Tennessee
April 15, 2025: California, San Diego



1515 N. Courthouse Rd, 3rd Floor

Arlington, VA 22201

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Military Families

Military Families