Department of the Air Force Fee Assistance Policy Updates

  • MCCYN-PLUS Initiative (QRIS) Expands into North Carolina – Effective March 13, 2023

    The Military Services expanded the MCCYN program to include MCCYN-PLUS. The MCCYN-PLUS initiative will include community child care programs that are quality rated by their state Quality Rating and Improvement System (QRIS), in locations where nationally accredited care is unavailable. The MCCYN-PLUS initiative is currently active in Virginia, Maryland, Washington, Nevada, Florida: Miami-Dade County. On March 13, 2023, the MCCYN-PLUS initiative will launch in North Carolina.

    This initiative has no impact to families receiving fee assistance with their current provider. Families receiving fee assistance may stay with their current provider until the time that the youngest child ages out of the program, the family dis-enrolls, or the provider becomes ineligible due to non-compliance with state licensing or program policies. However, these guidelines should be taken into consideration if you are planning on changing your provider in the future.

    For more information about MCCYN-PLUS, please visit our website at

  • MCCYN-PLUS Initiative (QRIS) Expands into Texas  – Effective October 3, 2022

    The Military Services expanded the MCCYN program to include MCCYN-PLUS. The MCCYN-PLUS initiative will include community child care programs that are quality rated by their state Quality Rating and Improvement System (QRIS), in locations where nationally accredited care is unavailable. The MCCYN-PLUS initiative is currently active in Virginia, Maryland, Washington, Nevada, Florida: Miami-Dade County. On October 3, 2022, the MCCYN-PLUS initiative will launch in Texas.

    This initiative has no impact to families receiving fee assistance with their current provider. Families receiving fee assistance may stay with their current provider until the time that the youngest child ages out of the program, the family dis-enrolls, or the provider becomes ineligible due to non-compliance with state licensing or program policies. However, these guidelines should be taken into consideration if you are planning on changing your provider in the future.

    For more information about MCCYN-PLUS, please visit our website at

  • MCCYN-PLUS Initiative (QRIS) Expands into Florida: Miami-Dade County  – Effective September 1, 2022

    The Military Services expanded the MCCYN program to include MCCYN-PLUS. The MCCYN-PLUS initiative will include community child care programs that are quality rated by their state Quality Rating and Improvement System (QRIS), in locations where nationally accredited care is unavailable. The MCCYN-PLUS initiative is currently active in Virginia, Maryland, Washington, and Nevada. On September 1, 2022, the MCCYN-PLUS initiative will launch in Florida: Miami-Dade County

    This initiative has no impact to families receiving fee assistance with their current provider. Families receiving fee assistance may stay with their current provider until the time that the youngest child ages out of the program, the family dis-enrolls, or the provider becomes ineligible due to non-compliance with state licensing or program policies. However, these guidelines should be taken into consideration if you are planning on changing your provider in the future.

    For more information about MCCYN-PLUS, please visit our website at

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