Beginning March 1st, 2025, Child Care Aware® of America will assume administration of the Department of the Air Force respite program. Prior to the March 1st transition date, all families and providers should continue communicating with their existing POC regarding the current program operation.
Both DAF families AND respite care providers may find important dates and transition information below in the respective sections.
- Key Transition Dates
• 12/17/2024 – EFMP CONNECT: “DAF Respite Care” Webinar
• 12/20/2024 – Initial Notification from CCAoA to Currently Enrolled DAF Families and Respite Providers
• 1/31/2025 – Deadline for Documents to be Enrolled with CCAoA by 1 March 2025
• 3/1/2025 – CCAoA Assumes Administration of the DAF EFMP Respite Care Program
- Transition Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
- When will I be contacted by CCAoA about my transitioning Respite Care enrollment?
Answer: Sponsors and providers will receive first communication from CCAoA in December 2024, and then subsequent communication in January and February 2025.
- Will I need to complete a new application?
Answer: The DAF will provide CCAoA with current Sponsors and providers to facilitate the transition. However, some documentation (listed below and in email communication) may still be needed.
Sponsors will need to complete the EFMP Respite Care Parent Agreement and ensure they have all emergency documents filled out and easily accessible to their providers.
Providers need to request their current documentation from the DAF by following the instructions below:
Please refer to the email sent from CCAoA which will list what is needed to ensure your application is updated prior to the transition date.
- Will my eligibility change with the transition?
Answer: EFMP Respite Care eligibility requirements are determined by the Department of the Air Force. The new Level of Need (LON) standardization will go into effect for all DAF Sponsors on 1 March 2025. Those Sponsors informed of a LON 3 or 4 status will be enrolled with CCAoA under that eligibility. Current eligibility requirements for providers will remain in effect under CCAoA, unless the DAF makes any future program changes.
- Where do I send my documents?
Answer: All requested documentation may be sent to CCAoA directly via email at DAF.CCAoA.transition@usa.childcareaware.org.
- What if I have additional questions about the EFMP Respite Care Program?
Answer: At this time, all questions about current program operation should be directed to your current program contact prior to the transition on 1 March 2025. Additional information regarding the transition, as well as services after 1 March 2025, will be provided via email or found here until further notice.
- When will I be contacted by CCAoA about my transitioning Respite Care enrollment?
- Currently Participating DAF Sponsors, please follow the steps below:
- Prior to 1 March 2025
- All Sponsors currently working with the DAF on enrollment or respite care provider connections will continue to do so until instructed otherwise.
- All currently participating Sponsors will be contacted by both DAF and CCAoA during the transition with the necessary transition steps they need to take to continue EFMP Respite Care.
- Once contacted by CCAoA via email, please review, complete, and return the EFMP Respite Care Parent Agreement by 31 January 2025. Please also complete the emergency medical documents provided and make available in your home for respite care providers beginning 1 March 2025.
- Beginning 1 March 2025
- All transitioning DAF Sponsors who completed the steps above, along with their current respite care providers, will receive a certificate packet from CCAoA confirming their continuation of services.
- All transitioning DAF Sponsors will also be informed of their new program POC in February of 2025. From that point forward, they will work with that POC regarding their program needs (i.e., additional questions, new provider referrals, monitoring visits, etc.).
- For any respite care taking place on or after 1 March 2025, Sponsors and their providers will work with CCAoA regarding payments.
- Prior to 1 March 2025
- Currently Participating DAF Respite Care Providers, please follow the steps below:
- Prior to 1 March 2025
- All respite providers currently working with the DAF on referrals and connections to new families will continue to do so until instructed otherwise.
- All currently participating respite providers will be contacted by both DAF and CCAoA during the transition with instructions they need to follow in order to continue EFMP Respite Care (see “Gather Documents” below).
- Once contacted by CCAoA via email, please review, complete, and return the EFMP Respite Care Provider Agreement, W-9, and Direct Deposit Form by 31 January 2025. Please also collect from DAF and provide CCAoA with all documentation (also listed below in “Gather Documents”), along with a copy of your resume and any degrees or certifications by 31 January 2025.
- Beginning 1 March 2025
- All transitioning respite providers who completed the steps above, along with their current DAF families, will receive a certificate packet from CCAoA confirming their continuation of services.
- All transitioning respite providers will also be informed of their new program POC in February of 2025. From that point forward, they will work with that POC regarding their program requirements (i.e., additional questions, referrals to new families, monitoring visits, training, etc.).
- For any respite care taking place on or after 1 March 2025, Sponsors and their providers will work with CCAoA regarding payments.
Gather Your Documents
Current respite providers should follow the below instructions to request copies of their application documents (i.e. background check results).
Provider Document Requirements
- Cleared Background ChecksFBI
- State
- Sex Offender
- Child Abuse Registry
- Current CPR and First Aid Certificates
- Child Abuse Awareness (Prevention and Identification & Reporting)
- Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)
- Medication Dispensation Training
Provider Documentation Needed
- EFMP Respite Care Provider Agreement
- Direct Deposit Election Form
- W-9 Form
- Voided Check
- License, if applicable
- EIN Letter, if applicable
- Resume and Degrees/Certifications
Respond Promptly to Outreach
All providers should frequently check their emails to ensure timely responses to communication from either the DAF or CCAoA during the transition.
- Prior to 1 March 2025