What is the Navy EFMP Respite Care Program?
Commander, Navy Installations Command (CNIC), Child & Youth Programs contracts with Child Care Aware® of America (CCAoA) to administer the Navy Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP) Respite Care Program. This program is available as a benefit to Navy families who have a child enrolled in the Navy Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP) and meet the prescribed eligibility criteria. Caring for children with special needs is full time job which is physically and emotionally challenging. The EFMP Respite Care Program provides parents the opportunity to rest and rejuvenate with peace of mind, knowing their children will be well cared for.
Please be advised that the Navy EFMP Respite Care Program is not an entitlement program and is subject to the availability of funds.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
- Where is the program available?
Navy EFMP Respite Care is available throughout the United States.
- Who is eligible for EFMP Respite Care?
Navy families will be eligible for the EFMP Respite Care Program if the following criteria have been met:
- The Sponsor is active duty or Reservist on active duty orders.
- The Sponsor is currently enrolled in the Navy’s Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP).
- The Sponsor has a child currently residing with him/her, enrolled in EFMP, has a child currently residing with him/her, enrolled in EFMP, birth through 18 years, and are scored at the two highest level-of-need categories (level-of-need 3 or 4)
- What if I have additional questions about the EFMP Respite Care Program?
Click here for a full list of FAQs.
- How is my family added to the wait list?
Parents, please read the following steps to request your family to be added to the wait list.
Parents, please follow the steps below:
- Step One: Create an account and household profile on MilitaryChildCare.com
All Active Duty and Reservist on Active Duty interested in placing their child(ren) on the Navy’s wait list for EFMP Respite Care Program must create an account and household profile on MilitaryChildCare.com. If you do not create a profile on MilitaryChildCare.com, your child(ren) will not be placed on the wait list.
- Step Two: Confirm your eligibility for EFMP Respite Care
All Active Duty Navy families must contact CCAoA after you create your account and household profile in MilitaryChildCare.com to confirm enrollment in EFMP and additional eligibility requirements. You can email NavyEFMPRespite@usa.childcareaware.org or call 1-800-424-2246 ext. 317 to confirm eligibility with the EFMP Respite Care team.
- Step Three: Confirmation of your family’s information
Once CCAoA confirms the Sponsor’s eligibility with you, a specialist will verify your family on MilitaryChildCare.com. If steps one and two are complete, the specialist will email a confirmation that your family was added to the EFMP Respite Care Program waitlist.
If you do not receive a response from CCAoA, please call us at 800-424-2246.