Did you know that May is designated as Asthma Awareness Month? According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), this lung disease affects over 22 million people living in the United States, including one in twelve children. It causes three in five people living with asthma to limit their physical activity or miss days at school and work. Asthma is also expensive, costing the nation $56 billion each year.
You may know someone affected by this disease and you may even have children in your care who suffer from asthma. Asthma can cause wheezing, breathlessness, chest tightness, and coughing and an asthma attack can be frightening for children and caregivers alike.
The CDC has dedicated resources to raise awareness about asthma and to train educators and educate children about the disease. To learn more and to find dedicated asthma resources for both children and caregivers, including sample asthma action plans, visit http://www.cdc.gov/asthma/world_asthma_day.htm.
Asthma in Emergency Planning
Remember to include inhalers, medicine, and other special needs when developing your child care emergency kit. Ensuring that your kit has taken into account all the supplies you and the children in your care may need following an emergency is key to proper planning!
Resources and Learn More
To raise awareness on asthma, the CDC and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) are hosting a TwitterChat on World Asthma Day (Tuesday, May 3, 2016). Join experts for a conversation about asthma, common asthma triggers, and how to create an asthma action plan. To join the conversation follow @CDCAsthma and @EPAlive on Twitter and use the hashtag #AsthmaChat in messages during the chat. No registration is required.