Congress is amid a debate over the contents of the Build Back Better Act and how to pass it. While negotiations are ongoing, we cannot let the focus shift from the child care needs that this bill would address.
This toolkit contains sample social media posts, talking points, and graphics to promote the need for bold investment in child care to your networks. You can also review our wider range of advocacy resources here.
Child care relief funds have provided critical support for stabilizing child care programs and preventing
more permanent closures of programs during the pandemic, but this is just the beginning of what’s needed to recover and rebuild after decades of underfunding. Robust federal funding on a permanent basis will lead to significant long-term improvements. Congress must help states build upon the foundation for a better system they have started with relief funds. https://www.childcareaware.org/our-issues/advocacy/take-action/speak-up-child-care/
I’m telling Congress to prioritize bold, long-term investment in child care as part of #BuildBackBetter. Contact your Members of Congress to share the message: https://www.childcareaware.org/our-issues/advocacy/take-action/speak-up-child-care/
It’s past time for America to make substantial, long-term, and sustainable investments in our #childcare system. Tell Congress to #SolveChildCare today: https://www.childcareaware.org/our-issues/advocacy/take-action/speak-up-child-care/
Too often, #childcare is unaffordable for families and fails to result in living wages for providers. Congress has the chance to make a historic investment in America’s child care system and help child care go from surviving to thriving. https://www.childcareaware.org/our-issues/advocacy/take-action/speak-up-child-care/
Families and providers both deserve better from America’s #childcare system. Big, bold federal investments can help ensure quality, affordable care and living wages for workers. #SolveChildCare https://www.childcareaware.org/our-issues/advocacy/take-action/speak-up-child-care/
Click on the links below to download social media graphics