URL: https://www.childcareaware.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/MinnesotaMaps1.pdf
Description: In Minnesota, many families struggle to access child care. Our key stakeholders wanted to know in what areas of the state might families with young children be struggling the most to find care. In addition, unique to Minnesota is a universe of child care options: throughout the state, families have access to a myriad of child care options, such as center-based and family child care programs. Many programs across the state also make use of multiple funding streams - keeping programs sustainable, and supporting families as much as possible in accessing affordable, quality child care. For each map, we examined the locations of child care providers and children by zip code, including county boundaries for reference.
Audience: CCR&Rs or State Networks
Content Type: One-Pager
Language: English
Topic: Child Care Accessibility
Year: 2018